Russel Davies is an author. He was wondering whether there was a way of tracking Amazon rank of a particular book on Twitter as well as Email. He had to log into his Amazon account if he wants to check the rank of his book. He asked Adrian about it and he immediately built a brilliant thing called Booklert.

is a tool that tracks the Amazon rank of your own book or your favorite book and delivers the rank to your Email and most importantly, to your twitter account. It works like this:

Sign up at Booklert. After logging in, you are asked to search for a book. Enter the title, author name and ISBN (if you know.

I didn't know my book's ISBN) and choose the store where it is sold ( Amazon US or UK or France) from the dropdown box and hit search. The results of your search are shown below with a button 'track this book'. When you click that button you are taken to My Settings. Here you have to choose the way you want to track the book. If you want to track the book via Email or Twitter or both.

If you want the rank to be delivered to your Twitter account, enter your Twitter username and click save. Now go to Booklert page at Twitter and click 'follow'. You will get a message which contains a validation code. Enter that validation code on your settings page. Set the frequency of the alerts you wish to receive, hourly, daily or weekly and you are done. You will receive the ranking on your phone via Twitter and via email.

You can check the ranking along with graph from My Books page. You can even share your book's rank on your website also. Go to 'put your book's rank on your website' tab. If you are an Amazon affiliate, enter the ID or leave the field blank, copy the html code and paste it in your blog template or widget. You are done.

This is such a nice idea that is useful for not only authors themselves but also for their fans. You can track the rank of your favorite book and promote it as well. If you are an amazon affiliate, it provides you the chance to push the books that are more profitable for you. You can track as many books as you wish.

The Booklert Home Page displays a Weekly Chart of top Climbers or the ones that have been going down the rank. But the chart is limited to only 5 books each. There is no way to know about more books on the chart, not even from your account.

read more about it here:

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Booklert Home page :

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